
General information on the cookies

When you access or you use one of our services, our system or that of one
of our partners could plan or light cookie e/o other types of identifiers around the browser
e/o the device that you are using.

A cookie is a small text files that are memorized on the computer of whom visualizes a site
web to the purpose to record some information related to the visit as well as to create a system for
to also recognize the consumer in following moments. The identifiers of the devices, come instead
produced picking up and elaborating some information as the address IP e/o the user agent
(version of the browser, type and version of the operating system) or other characteristics of the device,
always with the purpose to connect some information to a specific consumer.

A site Web can plan a cookie on the alone browser if the preferences shaped for this last
they allow him/it. And' important to know that a browser can allow a determined site Web of
to enter only and exclusively to the cookies from it planned and not to those planned by other sites
Web: there is no risk for your privacy in such sense.

Practices related to the cookies and to other similar technologies or his/her partners could use the cookies or other type of identifiers for one
series of reasons, among which:

To offer areas access reserved of the site and accedibili behind authentication (in such case the cookies
they are said "technical" and they are used for maintaining the session of navigation e/o to facilitate
following accesses from the same device).

Tender trace of the preferences of the consumer while it is using the site e/o services in it incorporated or to
it connected.

To offer publicity contained e/o pertinent to the visitors' (alone cookie of third parts) affairs.

To elaborate statistic (analytics) analysis around the use of the site e/o of the services in it incorporated.

To conduct searches to improve the contents, the products and the services of or of his
partner. doesn't directly use some cookies of profilazione: the only produced cookies
and directly managed by are the so-called technical cookies (which come
used only and exclusively to correctly offer the services proposed to the public) and, in way
extremely limited, cookie of analytics (what you/they are used for counting the number of
readings to the various pages of the site e/o for other finalities of statistic nature). We inform, nevertheless, him
consumers that I cross our pages could be produced cookie of profilazione to work of
third parts (Rif. "Cookie of other societies").

Cookie of other societies

toppelletitalia.entire com, inside his/her own pages, services of third parts that would be able


to plan and to use own cookie e/o similar technologies. The employment of such cookie and technologies
similar from such firms you/he/she is regulated by the informative ones on the privacy of said societies and not from her
present informative being toppelletitalia.extraneous com totally to the management of such tools
and to the treatment of the data from these consequential ones.

We furnish following a list (not exhaustive) of some of the societies partner that would be able
to use the cookies while you are sailing on the network of

Google Analytics (informative)

Google Recaptcha (informative)

Google Maps (informative)

To disarm the cookies

You can shape your browser so that to accept or to refuse all the cookies or particular typologies
of cookie (for instance the cookies of third parts) or you can choose to be warned each
whenever a cookie is planned inside your computer.

And' important to know that the refusal of all the cookies could prevent you of usufruire of the products and
services that requires that yours enters, through username and password, to areas
reserved to the recorded consumers. All these services, in fact, ask for the cookies to be able to work
correctly and, accordingly, the possible block of the cookies would make the use impossible of it.

Following the instructions related to the more diffused browsers of navigation to the goals to effect one
configuration personalized around the cookies:

Microsoft Internet Explorer

clicca on "Tools" in the superior part of the window of the browser;

it selects "Internet Options";

clicca on the card "Privacy";

to activate the cookieses, the level of Privacy must be plans on "Middle" or below;
planning the level of Privacy above the "Middle" the use of the cookieses will be disarmed.


Mozilla Firefox

clicca on "Tools" in the superior part of the window of the browser;

it selects "Options";

it selects the icon "Privacy";

clicca on "Cookies";

it selects or I lead the voices "Ax the cookieses from the sites" and "Ax the cookieses of third parts";


Google Chrome

clicca the icon of the menu;

it selects "Formulations";

in the inferior part of the page, it selects "Show advanced formulations";

in the section "Privacy", it selects "Formulations contained";

it selects or I lead the voice "you Prevent the sites to plan data."


Apple Safari

clicca on the label "Safari" in the superior part of the window of the browser;

it selects the option "Preferences";

clicca on "Privacy";

imposes your choice to the voice "Cookie and data of sites web."

It cancels all the cookies of

If the desires you can cancel all the cookies directly produced by
simply cliccando on the link here under:

It cancels the cookies of

There is not possible to furnish you a method unfortunately as many fast for the cancellation of the cookies of
third parts in how much, technically, this is possible solo using her special functionalities of
cleaning of the browser.

Privacy Policy

This Application picks up some Personal Data of his/her own Consumers.

Titular of the Treatment of the Data

TWISTEEL 2006 Ss.r.l.

Legal center: 3, Spadari street - 20100 Milan (MI)

Operational center: 102, Olona street - 21013 GALLARATE (VA)

Tel. 0331-786998 Email: [email protected]

Cod Fisc and P.IVA 09307010968

Typologies of picked Data

Among the Personal Data picked up by this Application, in autonomous way or through bystanders you depart, there
I am: Name, Email and Data of use.

Other Data picked Personnels could be suitable in other sections of this privacy policy or
through informative texts contextually visualized to the harvest of the Data themselves.

The Personal Data can voluntarily be inserted by the consumer, or picked in way

 automatic during the use of this Application.

The possible use of Cookie - or of other tools of tracing - from this
Application or of the holders of the third services used by this Application, where not otherwise
specified, it has the finality to identify the consumer and to record the relative preferences for finality
tightly tied up to the disbursement of the service required by the consumer.

The missed conferment from the consumer of some Personal Data could prevent this
Application to disburse his/her own services.

The consumer is assumed the responsibility of the Personal Data of published bystanders or shared through
this Application and it guarantees to have the right to communicate them or to spread them freeing the Holder
from any responsibilities toward third.

Formality and place of the treatment of the picked Data

Formality of treatment

The Holder treats the Personal Data of the Consumers adopting her opportune measures safety times to
to prevent the access, the popularization, the change or the destruction non authorized of the Personal Data.

The treatment is effected through computer tools e/o telematici, with formality
organizational and with correlated logics tightly to the suitable finalities. Besides the Holder, in some
cases, could have access to the Data appointees' categories involved in the organization of the site
(personal administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators) or
external subjects (how suppliers of third technical services, postal messengers, hosting provider, society
computer science, agencies of communication) also named, if necessary, Responsible of the
Treatment from the Holder. The list adjourned of the Persons responsible can be always
required to the Holder of the Treatment.


The Data are essays near the operational centers of the Holder and in every other place in which the involved parts
in the treatment is located. For further information, the Holder contacts.


The Data are essays for the necessary time to the carrying out of the service required by the consumer, or
required by the finalities described in this document, and the consumer can always ask the interruption
of the Treatment or the cancellation of the Data.

Finality of the Treatment of the picked Data

The Data of the consumer are picked to allow the application to furnish his/her own services, as
for the following finalities: To contact the consumer and Statistic.

The typologies of Personal Data used for every finality are suitable in the specific sections of this document.

You detail on the treatment of the Personal Data

The Personal Data are picked for the following finalities and using the following services:

To contact the consumer

Form of contact (placed in this Application)

The consumer, compiling with his/her own Data the form of contact, it consents to their use for
to answer to the applications of information, of estimate, or of any other suitable nature
from the heading of the form.

Gives picked personnels: Name, Email and Various typologies of Data.

Mailing List or Newsletter (This Application)

With the recording to the mailing list or to the newsletter, the address email of the consumer comes
automatically inserted in a list of contacts to which messages can be transmitted email
containers information, also of commercial and promotional nature, related to this
Application. The address email of the consumer could be also assistant to this list as
result of the recording to this Application or after having effected a purchase.

Gives picked personnels: last name, email and name.


The contained services in the present section allow the Holder of the Treatment of monitorare and
to analyze the data of traffic and they serve to tener it traces some behavior of the consumer.

Further information on the treatment

Defended in judgment

The Personal Data of the consumer can be used for the defense from the Holder in judgment or
in the phases propedeutiche to his/her possible installation, from abuses in the use of the same one or the
connected services from the consumer.

Informative specifications


Additionally to the contained information in this privacy policy, this Application would be able
to furnish to the consumer of the informative contextual concerning specific services or the harvest and the
treatment of Personal Data.

Log of system and maintenance

For tied up necessity to the operation and the maintenance, this Application and the possible ones
third services from it used could pick up Log of system or rather file that record her
interactions and that you/they can also contain Personal Data, what the address IP Utente.

Non contained information in this policy

You increase information in relationship to the treatment of the Personal Data you/they can be in demand in
any moment to the Holder of the Treatment using the information of contact.

Exercise of the rights from the Consumers

The subjects which refer the Personal Data have the right in whatever moment to get her/it
confirmation of the existence or less than the same near the Holder of the Treatment, to know the of it
contained and the origin, to verify its exactness or to ask its integration, the cancellation,
the updating, the rectification, the transformation in anonymous form or the block of the Personal Data
treated in violation of law, as well as to oppose in every case, for legitimate motives, to theirs
treatment. The applications must turn to the Holder of the Treatment.

This Application doesn't support the applications "I give not track." To know if the possible services
of third used parts support her, it consults their privacy policy.

Changes to this privacy policy

The Holder of the Treatment the right reserves him to bring changes to the present privacy policy in
whatever moment giving publicity of it to the Consumers on this page. You begs therefore to consult
often this page, taking after all as reference the date of last suitable change. In the
case of missed acceptance of the changes brought policy to the present privacy, the consumer it is
held to stop the use of this Application and you/he/she can ask to the Holder of the Treatment of
to cancel his/her own Personal Data. Except otherwise specified as, the preceding privacy
policy will continue to actually apply him to the Personal Data to that moment picked.

Definitions and legal references

Gives Personal (or Gives)

It constitutes datum personal any information related to physical person, identified or


identifiable, also indirectly, through reference to any other information, ivi
inclusive a number of personal identification.

Data of Use

They are the picked personal data in automatic way from the application (or from the applications of parts
third that the same uses), among which: address him IP or the dominion names of the used computers
from the consumer that it connects him to the application, you address him in notation URI (Uniform Resource
Identifier), the schedule of the application, the method used in to submit the application to the server, her
dimension of the file gotten in answer, the pointing out numerical code the state of the answer from the
server (good end, error, etc.) the Country of origin, the characteristics of the browser and the system
operational used by the visitor, the various temporal connotations of the visit (for instance the time
of permanence on every page) and the details related to the itinerary followed to the inside
of the application, with particular reference to the sequence of the consulted pages, to the parameters
related to the operating system and to the computer environment of the consumer.


The individual that uses this Application, that must coincide with the party or to be from
this authorized and whose Gives Personal I am object of the treatment.


The physical or juridical person which you/they refer the Personal Data.

Responsible of the Treatment (or Responsible)

The physical person, juridical, the public administration and any other corporate body, association or
organism preceded by the Holder to the treatment of the Personal Data, according to what predisposed by her/it
it foresees privacy policy.

Titular of the Treatment (or Titular)

The physical person, juridical, the public administration and any other corporate body, association or
organism which you/they compete, also together to other holder, the decisions in order to the finalities, to the
formality of the treatment of personal data and to the used tools, understood ivi the profile of the
safety, in relationship to the operation and the fruition of this Application. The Holder of the
Treatment, except otherwise specified as, it is the owner of this Application.

This Application

The tool hardware or software through which the Personal Data of the Consumers are picked.



Small portion of data preserved inside the device of the consumer.

Legal references

I tell to the European Consumers: present informative privacy is compiled in fulfillment of the obligations
anticipated from the Art. 10 of the Directive n. 95/46/CE, as well as to how much anticipated from the Directive
2002/58/CE, as adjourned by the Directive 2009/136/CE, in subject of Cookie.

This informative privacy exclusively concerns this Application.

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The pellet fuel is a natural product with scraps of virgin timber.

Resulting materials used for the production of pellets derived exclusively from primary processing of wood industries and wood processing industries by using glues and chemicals.

The differentials are compressed and drawn and dried to improve the characteristics of wood fuels.

Stages of production are:

  • Pretreatment: consist of a series of steps such as pre-sieving the swadust, pre-drying and mixing to obtain a homogeneous raw material for particle size and moisture.
  • Stamping: is the most impotant step consists in drawing the raw materal pramiscelata at this stage is reached temperatures above 90°C , which, in addition to further ddry the sawdust, allow to dissolve the lignin, a protein that is already present in the wood which serves as a natural glue.
  • Cooling: is the phase that allows the final drying of the pellet and fixation of lignin.
  • Sieving: after cutting the extruded pellets are dropped for the parties to improve their performance during combustion in stoves and to avoid inconvenience.
  • Packaging: waterproof packaging bags of 15kg each allow the product to maintain hydrometric characteristics over time and not to after the quality of performance fuels.












by TWESTEEL 2006 S.r.l.

Via Spadari, 3 - 20100

Via Olona, 102 - 21013

Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: 347 1705924
Skype: TWISTEEL  2006  Srl



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19-02-2025 23:14